Meet our grantee:
Accelerate Impact

Type of grant:
Building the Pop Culture for Social Change FieldAccelerate Impact, the nonprofit arm of Revolve Impact, offers strategic and innovative solutions that combine policy advocacy, grassroots organizing and broad-based communications strategies to advance long-term systemic change. Accelerate Impact has engaged and integrated many of the nation’s most prominent entertainers and athletes into campaigns that have significantly increased issue-specific education and participation in local and statewide efforts.
Accelerate Impact, in partnership with the Soze Foundation, will identify and convene artists and cultural strategists for a multi-day strategy session centered on building a narrative-based rapid response infrastructure.
“Narrative change is vitally important to the political landscape we find ourselves in. We hope this convening will support the field of creative change makers in being increasingly coordinated, aligned and impactful.” – Tia Oso, Director of Impact