Meet our grantee:

Color of Change

As the nation’s leading online racial justice organization, Color of Change responds effectively to injustice in the world around us, moving decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.

Color of Change will continue to advance its pathbreaking work to infuse racial justice ideas, values, and narratives in pop culture entertainment content, news media, and institutions. By consulting writers room staffs, showrunners and industry executives, Color Of Change continues to build power and accountability of industry actors to change the rules and practices that have for so long kept us out of critical spaces within the industry. Color of Change is committed in its pursuit to reshape dominant narratives and shift cultural norms to ensure the entire entertainment industry responds with greater responsibility to the ways in which they represent Black people and other marginalized communities so that they can truly shape a just and equitable world for Black people and everyone.

Five to 10 years from now, I hope we will have shifted the way writers rooms portray Black stories, amplified the voices of cultural influencers wishing to elevate social justice, and incentivize nuanced Black storytelling. I hope that we will be on the road to seeing more images that fully reflect our society. The work we will continue to lead at Color of Change will help inspire, support and move important content that may otherwise be ignored, even if it means producing our own.—Rashad Robinson, President, Color of Change